Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

The Web We Weave

The web we weave. This is life. Life. One shot at getting things right. Paving a positive path. Reaching for the stars and achieving dreams. Life. Present.....not later, not someday....now. The web we weave. Our decisions give us the control to choose our paths. The unexpected does not. Our life. Full of strands and strands of hope, history, love, accomplishment, disappointment, success. The web that we weave. The life that we are living right now. Precious and delicate. Precious. And delicate.

I'd like to end this journal with words of wisdom from a kind and thought provoking woman:

"All I can say, from personal experience, is:

Nothing in this life is ever certain.............

and if we live as if it is, we shall surely be surprised by some or other event - young and old alike! We shall be shaken and stirred -

Fact is: the only time that we have: is NOW. So, live this moment as if it is the last!"

Thanks for your thoughts and inspiration Beautiful Blue.......

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