Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

My Everyday

A sneak peak at my day through the use of reflection.

A peak into a day filled with happy kids, peanut butter and jelly,
and pudding smeared little faces.

A peak into my personality.

A sneak peak into my life through the shades of one of my favorite gals.

Today we had a little play date at our house. We set up our chairs in the sun and actually got to wear sunglasses. The sky was blue and the air was warm. The kids were running and playing. It was a very relaxing afternoon.

Blipfoto was mentioned a bit....of course. I realized as I sat listening to a friend tell a story, that I could see another friend through the reflection of her sunglasses. BING! A bright idea went off in my head and I knew that it would be my blip. The girls laughed so hard when I told them of my plan and they kept laughing as I got them both in position. A blip was born.

When my son came out of the kitchen shaking a can of pop, another idea sprung to mind. "Hey, let's shake this pop can really hard and then blip the spray as it shoots out". As my photog friend prepared her camera settings, I shook that can of pop like you could not believe. 1-2......"Aaah, I am actually getting nervous", says one friend sitting a few feet away. 3........sizzle. Nothing. Nothing but sizzle. What a let down. We were all bracing ourselves for the biggest explosion of soda that we have ever seen and we got nothing! But the laugh, oh the laugh was worth it. The build up of anticipation and then nothing, had us all rolling!

I think that my photog friends direct quote was, "And that's why we call ourselves Blip Dorks".

Indeed it is.

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