Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes


'Danny Gokey LIVE'

A St. Patrick's Day celebration. The first time that I have celebrated this holiday probably since college. A few girlfriends and I met up for dinner and a concert. The artist singing was one of the finalists on "American Idol". Since I love that show, I knew who he was and the heartbreaking story that he had to tell. I always root for the underdog. The person who has had to struggle and endure. The person who rises up and beats the odds with the power of their faith and their own positive energy.

This particular singer has a story to be told. He married his high school sweetheart and they were both very involved in their church. If I am remembering right, he was the choir director and just has a very crisp and powerful singing voice. Apparently 'American Idol' was his wife's favorite show and she had always wanted him to try out. One day, out of the blue, his wife went in to the doctor for a routine check-up on her heart. She had had a couple of constructive surgeries as a small child yet experienced good health throughout the years as she got older. When she went in for this check-up, the doctors found a problem with her heart and told her that she needed surgery immediately. Two weeks later......she died.

The family was devastated. Her husband was instantly lost. It was so unexpected and she was so young. A newly married young girl in her twenties whose life went from happy and healthy, to tragic. During the two week time that she had undergone surgery, her husband had already been accepted to sing on the show. It was something that she really wanted him to do. It was the last chance for him as 28 years old was the cut-off date. He told her that he couldn't do it. He couldn't even fathom going on the show with his wife not by his side. And then she died. And after much thought, he did the show for her and made it almost to the end. The reason that I know of this story in so much detail is because throughout the show, he was very vocal of his love for her and the loss that had turned his world upside down. He always showed that constant commitment to her and his dedication was admirable.

Last night, when a friend and I were congratulating a band member, he told us the whole story. The story that I knew bits and pieces of from the show. The story that completely shook us to the core because she had never seen the show. It made us both step back and realize again and again how delicate life is. How precious love is. To not ever take those two things for granted because they are gifts. Gifts to be treasured and not taken lightly. We were moved by the story and also by the lyrics in his songs. Each and every song a tribute in some sort of a way....to his wife. Here is an artist who has so much to say, so many feelings to express, and he has found a way to channel his emotions through his art.

I am looking forward to telling my husband about this story because Danny Gokey was one of his 'Idol' favorites as well. I know it sounds silly, but we get really into the human interest stories. The stories that are so inspiring, yet bring a tear to you eye at the same time. A sensitive heart......yes we both have them. And the next time that a Danny Gokey concert comes to town........I would like to be there with my husband. Someone who I love and cherish with every piece of my soul.

And so now I will end this with a direct quote from a favorite friend, "Peace Out!"

* Photo taken by: Duct Tape Camera and back blipped

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