Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Birthday Masks

Today was my birthday. I'm 26. Instead of doing what I really wanted to do (lie in my bed all day crying about getting older) Acronymphomania and I went through to Glasgow to Kelvingrove and had a good old wander about. Some absolutely fantastic exhibits but my favourite were the masks shown above. They were suspended from the ceiling and each had a different expression on their face. It was part of the Masks and Masquerade Exhibit which also featured African and Chinese masks.

We then went shopping with my large amount of birthday money (thanks mum ;)) and I ended up in Lakeland. BIG mistake. I actively went around seeing fantastic baking items but didn't want to spend all the money in there so bought a couple of important items and closed my eyes to the rest of it. Also popped into Buchanan Galleries for a wander and went into, my Mecca, Forbidden Planet. Oddly it's bigger than the one in Edinburgh but seems to have loads more in it. I got a couple of books and again held back! HMV presented New Moon, Survival of the Dead and Paranormal Activity. We were very tempted to watch the latter this evening but today has just totally taken it out of us.

Dinner was at Wagamama which I absolutely LOVE. You can't do better than fast noodles at a cheap cheap price. After that though we were properly exhausted and came home.

Now sitting waiting for Glee and sleep. Reeeeeally looking forward to the sleep. ;)

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