Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

A Warm Welcome

A Warm Welcome......

A Warm Welcome.......pulling onto my parents road and my son saying, "Aaah, I have been waiting for this".

A Warm Welcome.......my Mom and Dad greeting us at the door with hugs and hoorays.

A Warm Welcome.......joining my Dad for spin class at the local gym. The instructor shouting out, "Was that hard enough for you???", and my Dad's instant response, "THAT WAS EASY!!!!". And me laughing out loud realizing again and again how similar my personality is to his.

A Warm Welcome......sitting at the island in the kitchen talking about the new Healthcare bill with my Mom. Sipping a glass of Merlot together with me sitting in the same seat that my Grandma used to when she and my Mom had their evening conversations. (Oh Grandma, your memories are EVERYWHERE here, my heart hurts I miss you so much).

A Warm Welcome......eating together as a family. My spot at the table still the same as when I was a child.

A Warm Welcome......glassy, smooth, the peaceful lake and being able to capture the sunset manually (for the first time and still needing a lot of practice......man, low light settings are hard to capture without the image looking grainy. Any suggestions Blippers????).

A Warm Welcome......it is one of the most beautiful views in the world.

A Warm Welcome.....headlights coming down the driveway around 9pm and hearing my parents say, "Now who could that be?". My instant response, "100 bucks it's your youngest". And indeed it was. My sister. Always one for surprises. She and her son surprising us one day early.

A Warm Welcome.....my son barreling down the stairs yelling his cousin's name......."Hey , I was asleep but I waked up".

A Warm Welcome......the look on my daughter's sleepy face when she saw her Aunt and her cousin.

And a warm welcome......being home. Turning our childhood memories into new memories for our children. Old traditions made new. Previous adventures explored all over again. Tomorrow we will be visiting the Light House. A day at the beach. All of us. A warm warm welcome for us all.

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