All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

All wrappped up and ready to brave the weather

I can't believe the weather today. Strong winds and sleet most of the day which has now turned into heavy snow which is showing no signs of stopping. So much for spring being here!

Ethan & I went to visit Obi again at the vets. Spent an hour there with him - I'm not sure whether or not he knew it was me but he did seem to respond a little when I talked to him. He also staggered up at one point and used his litter tray which I hope is a positive sign that his brain isn't totally damaged. Poor thing obviously then used up all his energy doing that as he then lay down half in and half out the litter tray and I had to call the vet through to move him. The vet has said that by the end of the week he'll either have made enough progress to come home or if not, we'll have to call it a day. So I need as many positive thoughts as possible for Obi to keep fighting as I can't bear the thought of it being all over for him.

Apart from that, it was a very non descript day. Gas Board came out to service the boiler and Ethan & I had a wander round the centre, just to get out the house again.

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