Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Not about Florida

Really this is not about Florida. I do like Florida a lot, especially Key West, but this is not about Florida.

This advertisement caught my attention Monday. I was prepared to blip it that day when Mr. Fun invited me into the backyard spa where a blip opp presented itself (which is different than an app).

So today I was busy working, minding my own business, when I viewed this ad again with sunlight splashing across it on a table in my office. So I was immediately distracted from my focused work. With camera in hand I started clicking. I do know that it does not even begin to make the mark of good photography (my page never does--I'm okay with that). I love the image--the graphic art.

Years ago, in what seems like another life, I used to work extensively with graphic art. No I didn't create the art. I designed newsletters, brochures, fliers. Most of those included graphic art that had been purchased. I loved the designing aspect of the job. I still love designing; however, I seldom do it anymore.

I left that employment when I finally came to my senses. I realized that I had reached the ceiling--I think that had something to do with being female, which connects to yesterday's blip. The pay was poor; the benefits were non-existent. So I became a college student when I was 30-something. At first I wasn't sure what I would major in. Didn't know what I wanted to do when I grew-up.

Somehow I landed in a career field that did not base wages nor benefits on gender. I like that aspect a lot. However, I think I've digressed.

I like this bit of graphic art. If I had my choice, I'd go to Key West right now. The ad definitely has sold me, but I've been there before and thoroughly enjoyed Key West. The ad evokes lots of wonderful memories of a long, first weekend in December about 5 years ago when the two of us went to a destination wedding in Key West. The warm temperatures, the ocean air, the tropical plants and flowers, the food, the music . . . everything . . . was wonderful.

Then going back to yesterday, honestly, I had no idea that blip would cause so much discussion. I do know (and I think I mentioned) that there were dozens of posters of women. Mostly I selected the ones that did not blur in my camera. My list of famous influential women would be long, but not as meaningful as the list of women I have known personally who have influenced me (and I'm still compiling that list).

Now I need to upload this less-than-stellar photo. Remember, it's the graphic I like. If you've read this far, you are amazing. Thank you.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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