Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Getting Air!

Late afternoon we were sitting in the spa, which had been heated completely by the solar and the water was hot. The temperatures soared here today -- over 90 degrees!

While sitting in the bubbly soothing water I noticed a white jet stream very high in the sky west of us. Then I heard the noise of a jet engine toward the east so I turned and looked. We hear jets quite often because we are somewhat near Ontario International Airport and about 70 miles from Los Angeles International Airport and sometimes see the jets headed that way, but when I focused, I realized I was looking at one of the black stealth fighter jets. "Oh my gosh, LOOK!" I said to Mr. Fun, and grabbed my point and shoot, zoomed and captured a better shot that I expected. So I've pasted it into the scene here. The only time we've ever seen one is every January 1 when they fly over the Rose Parade in Pasadena.

You can see that the "he" whale got so excited that he jumped for joy. Later Mr. Fun helped him with some jumping lessons. Then even later the whale rested on the surfboard that Mr. Fun recently added to the toys in the pool.

It was a terrific afternoon and early evening in the pool . . . so much so that this is being backblipped a day date. We were just having too much fun to get a blip uploaded.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and the whales), aka Carol

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