A week in the life of Adam Cotter: Thursday

Poker at Stevie's tonight. Wish my carryout wasn't clinking so much - feels like everybody's staring. Still, can't be more than 15 minutes more to Stevie's once you're past this old barn...

Poker's not really my thing, if I'm honest. But well, Stevie's been a mate since Primary, and it's always good to have a few beers with him. And the rest of them - well, they're OK I suppose.

Oh, there'll be a bit of piss-taking - OK, maybe more than a bit - about the petrol station, and what they call my poncy films, but it doesn't really bother me that much.

See, I always think, "keep talking, ya wanker, and you'll end up as the comic relief in my screenplay".

And then, when I've made it and I'm loaded, I'll send them VIP tickets to my premiere. Afterwards, I'll take them aside one by one, and whisper in their ear: I'll tell them that the stupid tossers they've been laughing at are really themselves. Seriously, with these guys, that's what it would take before they got it. Ah, as the Don says, revenge is a dish best served cold.

Anyway, I can put up with their pish for the sake of spending time with someone who's a proper mate. And I don't always lose all my money. Well, not all the time. Stupid game, anyway.

Story starts here.

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