Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Who Dat?!

Oh when the saints....

We had a fantastic time tonight at the Preservation Hall listening to some Jazz! Its an ancient decaying shack of a building on St Peter Street that has a few benches, a bit of standing room and no bar. It really is all about the music. Loved it, totally brilliant :O)

Earlier today we had an equally lovely time wandering around the Garden District (once we got on the St Charles Street Car and stopped following Maggie's directions... Ok, she's going to beat me up for this but its true! I have a photo of us being utterly lost to prove it. Map lady my ass!). The houses are all so beautiful. Really gorgeous. Can I please have one for Christmas?!

We also managed to find a wee out of the way restaurant we'd heard about called Boucherie on Jeannette St. We had a dessert of Krispy Kreme Bread and Butter pudding to die for... O.M.G. it was good!

It was a really hot day again today and after we'd walked a fair way down St Charles Ave and spent some time in Audubon Park trying to escape some particularly persistent scary squirrels it was definitely time for a good long rest. Where better than a seat in the sun at Borders with an iced caramel coffee and a good book?! Ahhhh.... happy :O)

ps. Maggie would like me to point out that she is still a better map reader than me! I disagree, I'm just too lazy to take over and shes quite bossy ;)

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