
By Jillybean

My Drug Of Choice My Sick Obsession

Last day of vacation =[. Its been a really good one too. I'm quite sad for its end. Back to school back to school i hope i don't look like a fool.

I had practice this morning and then went to Anthonys to help do his english project. Its a really cool project though and I can't wait until my english teacher gives us the same one in a few weeks. (and she would too because we both have the same teacher just in different college classes). Anthonys mom made me a easter basket filled with delicious candy...And i'm being fat and consuming it all today. Its really really good. =]]]

AND i consumed an entire Big Mac today. (sans pickles) an impressive feat for me. I'm proud of this...but probably wouldn't be if I knew how much fat was in that...

Then i came home and instead of starting my Bio homework like I planned i fell asleep for 3 hours...Wooops...And now its 8:30 and I still haven't started. Oh well... Save it for study hall.

Goodbye vacation i shall miss you. =[[

"You know how they say that you can't live without love? Well oxygen is even more important."
-Dr. House

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