Super fresh pasta

I have always wanted a pasta machine. Two of my lovely colleagues got me one for the wedding. Thank you Gail and Karen! (and the two Davids of course).

Spent a lovely afternoon at my sister's house with my niece and nephew. James had a bit of a breakthrough and actually settled when their little doggy (teddy) was wandering around. He even stroked him. This is massive progress and we are very proud of him. Had some lovely moments - little Stanley trying to say Sarah, and pointedly calling Granny Annie "Nana" when she says "grandma" - with a big grin on his face too. Not bad for 16 months old.

Good old chinwag and quality time with Laura - we should do it more often.

Grumpy git next door to Laura needs telling off. But I am chilled and have had a lovely day so I won't let his bad attitude get me down. A simple misunderstanding on my part led to a sarcastic and verbally aggresive stance from him, I apologised for my misunderstanding and was treated to further sarcasm. I was tempted to reverse over his bloody lawn and run down his plants, but I restrained myself as there were children present.

Came home, via Waitrose (to purchase 00 type flour to make pasta with) and made a batch of pasta dough (according to the recipe, the amount I made should have fed about 3 people). After using the wonderful pasta machine and HALF of the dough, I had enough spaghetti for me, James and a double portion left over for Corin. We might be on pasta all weekend! Meatballs, fresh basil and some freshly grated parmesan - James and I are now very full, two hours after the event.

Corin due home anytime now - long day for him, but he was determined not to leave the job he was on until it was done. He's good like that.

Off to buy him beer. James, when asked if he minded coming to Asda with me said "Not at all, anything for my new Dad". (Jimbo had a bad day yesterday...was let down, apparently for good reason, but he's been let down so many times now that he doesn't believe the reasons anymore. It's sad - but all we can do is give him all of our love and hope that fills the gap that someone else should be filling for him)

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