Spices and things

In the shot are a number of well received gifts from friends.

1. The Spice rack (which came with spices courtesy of the girls in the office - thank you girls!)
2. The interesting garlic grater (the little plate with orange contraptions) from Kieran and Helen
3. Tthe 'Tipsy' olive oil and balsamic vinegar to go with the wonderful pasta machine (see yesterday) from Gail, Karen and the two Davids,
4. The spice grinder from Jo and Chris and
5. Olives from Sollergirl (Corin loves these...I'm having to ration him - by hiding the jar!)

THANK YOU lovely people. Real thank you cards are on their way ...in addition to the 'virtual' thank you here :-)

Had more pasta for lunch today as I had loads of dough left from yesterday. James wanted more tonight but I ran out of eggs - I think I am going to Asda in the morning!

Busy day - bank to get a certified copy of the marriage certificate, then got passport photos. Trundled into town with Coz and James, dropped in at the climbing wall to drop off Thank you cards and have a brew, before wandering nto town to get my passport application checked and sent at the Postie. Dropped in at Jessops to pick up an acrylic print that I have had done for Lisa, went to Game and HMV so that James could spend his birthday gift cards, before flying back home for lunch. Then straight back out to the cinema to see Clash of the Titans.

Corin didn't like it. James loved it - I enjoyed it, but the camera work made me dizzy. It was a bit twee, but it wasn't one of those films that sent me to sleep. Corin left the building about 10 minutes before the end ...I'm impressed that he persevered as long as he did!

Currently doing backups - mirrored my hard disk onto two different external hard drives. Have taken the mickey out of a colleague for not backing up his iTunes catalogue ...thought I best back mine up rather than tempt fate :-)

I must mark that coursework. I really don't want to but there's nothing else for it - it has to be done. Dagnammit!

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