Everyday is Red

By everydayisred

eye swear

Had lunch with my sister and Shelby today. It was good to see them both and it was good to get out of the house for a while.
I am totally sick of my own complaining and whining lately, so it was good to hear someone else do it for a change. They keep asking me, why I was so quiet today, but sometimes I just want to listen- I'm good at it. I do it all day long at work. People come in, unload thier whoas on me and I can just observe. I swear, whenever ever you think you have problem, there is always someone else out there who has it way worse than you. Someone is always hurting more, suffering more, has less money, is loved less, has less answers and is tackling bigger hurdles. This may sound awful, but after hearing some of those things, I always feel comforted.
I am lucky in many, many facets of my life. Everything else will fall into place.

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