Choose Life

Wonderful morning walk with Juno, beautiful day. Met up with an old couple from Aberdeenshire and had a great chat with them, then met one of the football girl's dad and had a walk and chat with him.

Decided last minute to go for a wee hill run, this would involve a train journey I had never taken before so was looking forward to it. Got the train from Tyndrum to Corrour to go 'for a wee walk'. The train out was 3 hours later so set up light weight with the fell running shoes on, felt ok and got to the summit pretty quickly. Stunning views all around and not a soul about, headed down disturbing a herd of stags. Every wee lochan was alive with frogs diving for cover when I approached, in fact the train journey through Rannoch Moor the frogs were splashing when the train past.

Sat in the sun awaiting for the train back, no trainspotters about. On the way back spotted the sight of the avalanche, the trees are all broken and lying around, quite impressive.

A wonderful train journey on an absolutely cracking day.

This is Loch Ossian, the bottom left corner is Corrour Station, this was in Trainspotting, clip has strong language.

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