Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

The White House

Well....I couldn't come to Washington and not blip it!

We've had a really lovely day today, much more relaxed and just really happy and wander-y (its a word....possibly).

After seeing The White House this morning we headed towards the cherry blossom trees! Ahhhh, how I love them.

We took a big ole walk down past the WWII Memorial and Lincoln Monument (lots more photos had to be taken in the day time!) and kept going along the Polomac River to the Tidal Basin and the FDR Memorial.

Had a yummy cupcake picnic by the side of the lake :O)
Mmmmmmm...... Droolingly delicious......

We continued around the basin to the Jefferson Memorial which is also very pretty and most photogenic. Unfortunately most of the cherry blossom trees have lost their blossoms in the past few days because it would have been utterly stunning, but I'm happy just seeing some of them. They completely surround the tidal basin (as well as being dotted about everywhere else too) oh the pictures I could have taken!

We seem to have brought the weather with us because the last couple of days have been really sunny and today was just boiling hot. No more pasty looking me, now I'm a rather fetching shade of crimson ;)

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