Things you can't beat.

1. A nice cup of tea.

2. The council being kind enough to chop down all of the trees behind our fence and leave handy 'tea stands' to put your mug down on.

3. A husband (still makes me smile that does!) who comes home from a long day at work and then goes out and starts doing jobs like creosoting the fence and tidying the garden.

4. A smile and a cheerful disposition

5. SOME BMW drivers - although, if you could beat them, it would be great!

First day back at work - its hard going back after such an eventful holiday, and hard because I have got used to being able to drink tea whenever I please for the past fortnight, and suddenly I am tied back into a life driven by bells and 1 hour blocks of time, with no cups of tea in the classroom. So instead of tea every half an hour, it was every two hours. Nightmare!

This is a back blip by the way as my internet connection died at 9pm ...I love my ISP. They are so consistently good. Their connection is reliable and fast. If I HAD a choice, I wouldn't change. Many of those statements are clearly untrue. In fact they are outright lies. Bad Sarah. Lies are bad. My pants are on fire.

As for BMW drivers - I do not wish to cause offence - I know at least 2 people who drive them and they are quite lovely :-) However, having witnessed the sheer idiocy of one anonymous BMW driver this afternoon, I became very close to engaging in a road rage incident. To difficult to describe without diagrams and other visual aids, but it was reckless, ridiculous and bordering on lunatic. I satisfied my urge to rage with a quite specific hand gesture instead.

End of minor rant.

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