
Today was quite chilly. We had an unusual amount of rain lately, with cloudy conditions almost all day for a few days, which results in nice, low temperatures!

We received a lovely surprise parcel from Stockholm again today!! Woohoo!! What timing!! Spotton!! We got lovely bedsocks and other lovely handcrafted necessities, just on time for the chill in the air!! Thank you my dear children!! There are five vérrry grateful people in this house tonight!! They are absolutely great, and all in the correct sizes!! LuvvvvvvviT!!

C tried, for a few days already, to get the terrible twins used to their 'winterjackets'! Chino runs around like nothing's different, but dear old overly careful Milo struggles to accept it!

C dressed them early this morning, and they slept a bit afterwards. Then Milo decided she needs to go! She got up, walked with quite a limp, right out of C's bedroom, down the first flight of stairs with difficulty, all the little blankets sticking to her 'coat'!

She reached the first landing, and could not, for the life of her, succeed in walking one more step! She was standing there, looking down at me, standing downstairs with the camera, with pleading eyes, then up at C, standing upstairs, talking to her, with the same expression, she refused to move those four little feet.

C eventually came down to take the blankets off of her, but she still couldn't climb the stairs with the 'coat' on!! Chino came down, licked her little face and ears, tried to lure her upstairs, but no way!! C had to come down again to fetch her!! Eisch!! We will just have to keep on trying, they will definitely need to wear 'jackets' in winter!! ;-)

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