Nerf wars

We now have 3 Nerf guns in our house. They are awesomely good fun. I say this as someone who has not been on the receiving end of a nerf pellet to the backside, but judging by James and Corin's giggling whenever they shoot each other, I'm guessing it's not so bad!

James got a big Nerf gun off his dad for his birthday - with a magazine that holds about 25 of the foam dart things. Then we got Corin one (fully automatic with loads of pellets) and another one arrived today, which James bought with his birthday money - smaller, with a red light sight on it.

I had some fun shooting at the walls, then James pinged Corin as he came in from the shed. Then there was an ominous silence from the hallway, then the sound of a magazine being loaded and in came Corin with his "That's not a Nerf, THIS is a Nerf" attitude.

Fun fun fun.

I think I should have one of these at fact, maybe they could be standard issue?

The cats quite sensibly hid behind the sofa.

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