crashed out in the shed

Poor Corin. He has a bad back - it's been causing him trouble all day.

I tried to sneak up and take a photo through the window of the shed, but I'd forgotten to check the settings on my camera so the exposure was originally all wrong. Also, the sound of me standing on a snail spoiled my stealthy approach to the bottom of the garden.

Anyway, I've been no use to him seeing as I have been sat in front of this wretched computer, doing flippin' spreadsheets since 1pm today (it's now 11.45, I stopped 15 minutes ago).

Although, I have managed to cook lunch and tea for the boys (slam something in the oven, run back upstairs, work till the oven goes "ping", dish it out, eat, then leggit back up stairs!)

We also managed to get to the pet store to get our first 3 fish for the new tank today. Our aquarium water passed the various tests, so we have bought 3 Dannios (A Zebra, a leopard and a pearl variety). They are WELL ZIPPY. Tried to get a photo but I've more chance of winning the lottery. The cats watched them briefly but lost interest when they also realised they had no chance!

Am now going to get Corin in the bath. Might help him. Behave yourselves funny business - he's got a bad back remember!!!

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