Major Silly Sausage

By SillySausage

Does this face look trustworthy to you?


Major Silly Sausage and Finlay's Daddy had a meeting with Brigadier Finlay on 'Skype' this afternoon - it was great!

Finlay got his duties as Brig out of the way, briefing up Major Silly Sausage on his next mission - top secret for now - details will follow.

Then Finlay was able to concentrate on the fun part - kissing Daddy's face on the screen and having a good giggle at Daddy singing! (Yoga Mamma had to try hard not to cry again.)

The BIG NEWS from the Major, is that he is awaiting clearance from the American Army to take photographs on the Air Base.


Going incognito could lead to imprisonment and even getting thrown out of America, or worse, Finlay's Armed Forces ... so we cannot risk that! Anyway, Major Silly Sausage is a chap of great integrity and wouldn't dream of it.

Unlike this scalliwag ...

So, we leave it in the hands of Major Silly Sausage to convince the US Army to give him clearance, so that he may continue on his foreign missions.

We wish you the very Best of British Luck, Major Silly Sausage.

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