Major Silly Sausage

By SillySausage

Major Silly Sausage Report 2 to Brigadier Baggins:

With task one completed yesterday and the successful rendezvous of the other team, the time since my last report has been spent helping Finlay's Daddy prepare for 'The Big Mission'.

Finlay's Daddy has assigned me the task of making all the phone calls, as I am something of a chatterbox. I have been speaking to my contacts at the base and the other side of the wire and have amassed some useful intelligence.

Besides work - rest and training are the order of the day. As you can see here, our bashers are not to be sniffed at and the gym facilities are excellent.

Finlay's Daddy has been swimming, but I have been reluctant to venture into the pool without your support, Brigadier Baggins. Did you manage okay at 'Waterbabies' without me? Finlay's Daddy has got a few sniffles today - so I think I made the right call staying out of the water. Has your cold abated, sir?

I understand you had a sleepless night, Brigadier Baggins. I am sorry to hear that. May I suggest a crawl around the park to exhaust you physically?

Thank you for today's debrief from the airfield at HQ - good to know the pilots are flying hard in preparation for their trip out here. Finlay's Daddy will be pleased to hear that. Was 'Yoga Mamma' terribly cross she didn't have her camera for that elusive 'Apache' shot she has been after?! Hehehe!!

Well, things to do, people to see, better sign off for now, sir. Next report shortly.

Over and out.

EDIT; Thanks to Lyra for her comment below. To explain ... After a few days we seem to have developed a strategy. My journal is very much a collaborative effort! Finlay's Daddy accompanies me on missions and takes the very good photos. Then I dictate the basis of my journal to him and he emails both to Finlay's Mummy who puts the photos together and translates it into Finlay speak!

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