Major Silly Sausage

By SillySausage

Report 3 - The Arrival of The Gigantic Aeroplane

Major Silly Sausage Report 3 to Brigadier Baggins:

With the help of Finlay's Daddy and his colleague (and my new buddy) Pilot J, I have been very busy bringing in the final bits of kit and equipment for The Big Mission*

Two more 'birds' arrived in this very, very gigantic plane. If you look at the wagons and lorries beside it, you will get some idea of the sheer hulk of this beast.

If I may be so bold sir, it may be cumbersome, but at least it flies, unlike your plane-car idea that you keep trying in your labatory back at HQ?! Perhaps the oranges will allow you to think more clearly?!

This was a covert shot using Pilot J as cover, as The Mission remains TOP SECRET. Under your hat, please, under your hat.

Over and out, sir.

* It is so secret that the usual method of linking from Blip is not allowed - but you can go here for a fine story of what The Big Mission is all about ...

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