Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Penn Station Subway

This morning we went out to Newark Airport and collected Mags sister Mels :O)

Its so great to have her join us for our last week here and we wasted no time in dragging her through various subways and dumping her stuff at the hotel before giving her a whirlwind tour. We showed her the delights of Times Square including the wonder of the M+M's superstore and ToysRUs before she persuaded us alcohol was definitely necessary...

We were quite happy to let her bankrupt us having food and cocktails at Applebees (she hasn't quite grasped the concept of budget travel yet!) then dragged her to the Empire State Building, the Flatiron, the Chrysler, the Public Library and Bryant Square. Poor jet-lagged girl was looking pretty dazed by the time we gave in and let her crawl into bed.

It was for her own good though - better to keep going than give in to it. She managed to make it to 9pm our time.....which was probably about 2am to her!
Like I said - for her own good :O)

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