Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

I'd hope you'd be thinking of me!

I see this graffiti every time I go to A's but the lights have never been quite at the right moment for me to take a photo. Til today. :) It really makes me smile and I'm not sure why. I think it's probably because most graffiti you see is swearing and crudely drawn penises (peni? Anyway I digress...) that I'm sort of glad someone is declaring their love using this medium.

Either that or it's a song lyric and I'm just behind the times.

So after Acronymphomania feeling poorly yesterday, he's only gone and given it to me!! Well, either that or we both ate something that hasn't agreed with us. But as he's getting better and starting to enjoy his week off work, I'm feeling awful yukky and could probably just curl up into a ball and watch rubbish films all night. Woe is me. :(

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