Scenes from my desk

By alaistairsdesk

Great day for Freedom

I had today off as I worked the whole of last weekend.

I finally got round to getting the Porsche fired up enough to take her out to the garage. She's away to Mercury Classic Cars in Fife to be restored back to her former glory (can I do that for K as well?).

But the problem was I going to get her there.

Well, accordingly, if you are driving a car to a garage for an MOT, it does not need to be taxed or MOT'd, as long as the garage has the car booked in their diary.

That just left the insurance. So I phoned and said I didn't want to swap the Hyundai yet, but can I get coverage for both for just now. "Oh No" said the call centre. "You'll need to take a new policy out...and you can't transfer your no claims need to start again". Are these people crazy? I said they were both my cars and I'd only be driving one at a time!!!

Anyhow, I made some grumpy comments about looking for a "Proper Insrance Company, that can think for itself" (did I mention I can be grumpy).

Anyhow, reading my currerent policy for the Hyundai, it did say I was covered for driving any car on a third party basis only.

So I held my breath...and drove carefully, as I would have had to pay for the Porsche if I crashed it (and kept my head down from any Police cars)

She ran very smoothly all the way up. And it was quite a change from the Hyundai.

So anyhow, she's in rehab now....and I should see her again in around 6 weeks, all gleeming. K will NOT be allowed to drive, as the alloys will be completely refurbished!

P.S....Prize to MrsMozo for the most obscure Pink FLoyd Lyric yet! Well done.

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