All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Old hand, new hand

Last night Ethan & I drove over to Beith to spend a few days with my parents.

Today, we all went to visit my parents friend, Helen. She's in her late 80's and doesn't get out much so we surprised her as my Dad knew she'd love to meet Ethan. She had nice cuddles with him and seemed to enjoy our company too.

Later in the day we took Ethan swimming for the first time! Mum & I went in the water with him whilst Dad sat in the viewing gallery and took photos. I'm pleased to report that Ethan loved it! He floated around quite happily and also sat in his inflatable seat too whilst gazing around him. I'm still trying to figure out how to manage with him at the swimming pool myself though. It's not so much being in the water with him, more co-ordinating us getting changed and dried and dressed again. Am sure I'll get there though.

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