The plumber, his pen and wise advice

Whilst I have been mostly sleeping and feeling like rubbish all day (BP is still low. James just had his done - 105/63, with pulse of 63 - mine is 84/55 with pulse of 69), Corin has been busy organising Shed 3. He's still out there - headtorch on, trying to finish off wiring a fixed power supply.

I think his brother bought him this t-shirt. Makes me chuckle. Just had to explain it to Jimbo.

James wants to read to me, so I am going to get snuggled up and have a bedtime story. And drink plenty of fluids - that seems to be the predominant piece of advice I have received. I think James is worried about me because I haven't been racing around doing normal Saturday stuff like tidying up and getting in his way. In fact, I have only been awake for about 6 hours so far. Asda was a trauma. I just wanted to lie down in the aisles and have a little sleep - I only went there to get some veggies and some beef for lunch tomorrow!


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