This day

By snapper

Last day

Well yet another parental milestone, last day at school for #2 daughter and youngest fledgling. The Heidy said a good thing about each individual 6 year leaver and presented them with a class photo, a memo book and a pen. when I left school we were shown the gate!

After all that us parents were invited into the asembly to listen to this then ushered into the library to have champane no less! some of which the boys managed to spill over a computer!

So thats the final chapter in our lives of seeing our 3 kids go all through school. They had good times and bad times but we all pulled eachother through it. I was glad they left primary as I didnt have to help them with their homework (figures esp were never my strong point)

Eldest daughter left school as the yougest and only Scottish winner of the Celtic competition at the International Eistidfod (prb spelt that wrong) #1 son still has the dubious title of having done a band cover number of Tenacious D tribute then pulled open his shirt to reveal false boobs! Yep the teachers still talk about that one!
#2 daughter and final child holds the title of being the smallest ever 6th year but with the biggest smile. Yep a closed chapter
Onwards and upwards .
So long as they are healthy,happy and hopefully in some sort of employment we are happy.

Good blipping all

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