Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Look mum, I've got a mouse!

Ok yes, I'm sorry, I know some of you can barely cope with seeing a snake let along a cute little mouse being eaten by a (cute, little) snake but I couldn't resist posting this one.

I'd been to the Beltane Organiser's Debrief this evening. Basically all the group organisers sit around for three hours discussing improvements that could be made for next year. It gets tense at times, people are unhappy, it drags on. When I finally got home at 11:30 (after over an hour and a half of continued conversations with people AFTER leaving the venue) I'd taken no photos and it was time to feed Milo.

I'm so glad he's eating again and as long as I get the mouse warm enough (I wish they'd invent a halogen spotlamp torch, it would make life so much easier) he has a fast, aggressive strike response. Whilst that doesn't sound pleasant it's a really good sign as often snakes iin captivity get lazy, they know thier food is dead so will just sit and eat it without striking or constricting on it, some even wait for it to be put in to their open mouth. As he was adjusting it and moving it round ready to swallow, he decided to lift it upright and show it off to me.

Edit: If you've got this far without being freaked out by the picture, click the magnifying glass and get a look at those teeth, amazing!

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