Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Love in bloom

It's the love of my life's birthday today (No, not Milo's, the other one) so I thought this heart shaped blip quite appropriate. I had massive tea problems this morning. I was out of soya milk so couldn't have black tea, I then forgot the green tea was supposed to go inside the filter of the teapot and so ended up having a second cup of very bitter tea. Eventually I decided to make myself a flowering white tea. I believe it was called love in bloom or something equally soppy and eventually it turned in to this and then in to a delicious cup of tea.

As I've spent the day hard at work trying to finish my assignment before my midday deadline tomorrow, The Boy has postponed his birthday by a day, he's not even opened his cards. I know this makes him seem really sweet but ultimately his friends were more able to come round for drinks on a friday than a thursday!

I did however backblip from Saturday in a study break this morning.

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