Spash Spash Spash!

Mum and Dad were very pleased that I decided to have a lie-in until 7.30 this morning! Another freezing cold day. We were planning to go for a walk along Allt Coire a' Mhadaidh, where the Fairy Pools are, but it was too cold. As we drove towards the Cuillin, we could see really bad weather closing in, so we stopped at Sligachan. Dad wanted to take some photos of the stone bridge, and Mum and I went for a wee walk along the river. I had a great time splashing in a puddle. I really love my new wellie boots. Unfortunately, I fell over into the puddle and got my jeans and the edge of my scarf wet and muddy. I wasn't bothered though, it was worth it for the splashing!

While we were there, the weather cleared and we headed for the Fairy Pools, but as it was lunchtime when we arrived (and the car park was full) we headed to the end of the Glen Brittle road and had lunch overloooking the loch. After lunch we went for a walk out to the water's edge. I tried to walk right out into the sea, but Mum wouldn't let me! I wasn't happy about being taken back to the car, but Mum and Dad said the tide was coming in so we had to move.

Because we didn't do a proper walk we were back in Dunvegan quite early. Mum phoned Auntie Katie to make arrangements for tomorrow and I said hiya to her. Dad then put me in the bushbaby and we walked through Dunvegan. We stopped in at the tourist informationoffice, and I told Mum and Dad that I wanted a storybook. The lady in the office was very impressed with my linguistic skills and agreed with me that Mum and Dad should buy me a new book! In the end we chose "Animal ABC, a Scots alphabet."

When we got back to the cottage the pigs were out, so I said hiya to them again. Today has been a very historic day - Gordon Brown resigned and went to see the Queen, and then David Cameron went to see her and became the new Prime Minister. Mum and Dad spend a lot of time talking about this. Dad put me to bed tonight, and after I made him read five books to me, I then refused to go to sleep, telling him "unt Mum". So Mum came and read me one last book. I'm off to sleep for real now - night night. Hopefully we can do the Fairy Pools tomorrow.

Splashing in the puddles

Me and Dad

The Pigs Again!

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