
By andyclicks

Look What I found

Maths Science Maths Science Maths Science

Again not as bad as expected, not great but not awful

i had quite a good day as it goes, besides the fact it was too hot for me, but i'm weird like that, everyone says so

came home from school and had a quick rehearsal for a concert i'm playing in on saturday in a very lovely church in barnham i didn't know existed, it was really nice playing there, and i'm quite looking forward to this concert now

anyways this is my little sister, bridget, posing with a 'still-born-butterfly'
we collected some caterpillars last year as eggs they hatched grew then formed crysalisses, we've had a few butterflies come out already and this was the last one we had left, my mum found it in the tank and we were going to let it fly away, when we realised this flutter-bye aint gonna flutter x

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