Colin Parte

By ColinParte


I was out wandering around a few weeks ago and spotted this cast iron water meter cover here in Drogheda outside the fairly new Barbican Centre. It was the retro style lettering as well the origin of the cover that attracted me.
The distance this item has been transported (3632 miles, at least, according to Google Maps!) to perform its function is amazing and a little alarming!
Whilst the good folks of Wabash, Indiana - the first city to be completely lighted with electric light in 1880 - are well within their rights to sell almost anything they want, I imagine that a meter which is intended to conserve water (and line the pockets of some water company shareholders as well, of course) should be as ethically sound, in terms of carbon footprint, as is possible under any given circumstances.
Now before you all nod off, as I said on Sunday, I'm no greenie. But the irony (geddit? LOL) in this situation is awesome.

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