Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Disco Duck

Today I was searching, as usual to find a great capture with my camera when I came across these ducks. I was so excited to find them, and this one duck was in a perfect spot. The colors and lights and shadows were great.
I took several shots and he just seemed to be posing for me. I felt pretty satisfied and happy as I headed back, and then I remembered, I had taken my memory card out earlier to look at a picture and forgot to put it back in. If you could have seen my face, I was totally defeated.

Well, I ran back, grabbed my memory card, and ran back to the spot where the ducks were, but the duck that had been posing for me was out of the water. I was so disappointed. Some people close by were trying to feed the duck, and I just wanted him to get back into the water. I waited a little while, and then I slowly edged toward him. He did what I wanted him to do, he went back into the water, but this other male duck came across the pond, honking and beating his wings and chased him back out of the water. I had managed to get a couple of shots before this happened.

Evidently, I had interrupted a romantic interlude. The other male duck (Mr. Duckstud) went back to pursuing his girlfriend. Here he is in pursuit.

Well, I finally was able to coax the other male duck back in the water, and I think Mr. Duckstud was too busy by that time to notice.

So, I got a few shots. I liked the way the water shimmered in this shot, so I called it Disco Duck. Maybe I should have called it Defeated Duck.

All is fair in love and war.

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