Gable Erratic

By MsGable


I have passed this little door quite often. Well, ever since our local council boosted the permit parking charges by 40% and I had to find somewhere else to park. But by not coughing up, and with birthday money and a work bonus, it has helped me to buy my new camera. So, thank you CDC. And the walk back up the steep hill to the car will hopefully do wonders for .... well, we won't go into that.

Anyway, this little door has intrigued me. And to Blipfoto's credit I had never noticed it during the odd trundle past. So now; yes! I am looking! Perhaps it was part of a barn once; I don't know. But it is painted in a pleasant shade of green and blends in so unobtrusively it is easy to overlook.

That's it for now. Sorry for lack of commenting. After a 12 hour day I am
finished and off to bed. Hopefully, if the dongle works, I'll be able to catch up on holiday. Only if it rains though!

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