Gable Erratic

By MsGable


Well I waited for this the other week and missed it, so tonight, with not a lot of time to spare for anything else, I grabbed the opportunity. Not brilliant but.

Doctors this afternoon about blood pressure - horrendous to start with, but after a couple of chats and another couple of goes it was dropping. Decided to blame it all on work and with my holiday in front of me, the only way is up; or down if I'm thinking blood pressure.

A nice visit on the way home to Hellonwheels; I do miss her when I'm away; and inspected her gorse from a distance. Yes, I can see now, with the steepness of the descent, why she could not tell if it smelt of coconut. We did discuss a follow up blip invloving abseil techniques but we know when to draw the line.

So, it's an early night now before the packing and the off. Scotland, whahay! And I hope to be able to join in during the next couple of weeks, but if I can't it will be because the dongle has let me down. Bye for now.

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