Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Is this Adam (Ant)!!

We finally have water after two days without. The pipe that connects the cold feed from the boiler to the washing machine split so the water had to be turned off at the mains. So since Saturday evening we have had to resort to filling buckets from the rain water butt to flush the toilet, buying water to make tea, etc and to do the washing up. Showers were taken at our neighbours house and this morning the plumber came, took 15 minutes to put a new bit of pipe in, charged 45 euros, and hey ho we had water. You don't realise how much you take for granted being able to turn a tap on and water appears, it makes you appreaciate how hard it is for people in countries that have no running water and they have to walk miles to fill containers.

These are the flowers on my curry plant, I didn't realise the ant was there until I croppped the photo.

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