Leelanau peninsula

Pick up fresh baked bread and whitefish in town for a picnic later in the day continuing North to Petoskey. Over the 45th parallel, which people up here seem to be right proud of, and finally arriving back home. My adopted home away from home. The Biostation, or "bug camp" as some of the local's refer to it. Me, I call it pure bliss and good times.

I help teach a field ecology class up here every spring for the University of Michigan. So, getting down to business before the students arrive we....went swimming in the lake and mushroom hunting in the aspen forests around Grapevine point! The lake was chilly and we seemed to miss the morels this spring, but did manage to collect a whole bag of oyster mushrooms. Reunited with good friends, Katie, Matt, Nate, Becca, and I suateed up those babies popped open some good upper Michigan brews and thanked our stars to be back in heaven.

I snapped this shot in Leland, the view of fish town on the harbor and it could almost be a harbor in Maine up on the North Atlantic. But no, this is Michigan. Adventuring up the Third Coast.

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