Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy

Small, Medium & Large

This blip photo is of the cookies my boys made with their Nana today. Out of the 3 cookies in the middle---Landon made the little cookie (he's 4), Liam made the medium cookie (he's 8) & Loren made the large cookie (he's 11). I'm not sure they planned it that way...but the concept was cute! My parent's were gracious enough to watch the kiddos for me for a few hours while I attended a Pampered Chef show at my friend Terra's house. It was nice to have a few hours to myself and I absolutely love the Pampered Chef products, too. The boys helped my parents put down a flagstone walkway and then when I went to pick them up I stayed for dinner. It was nice to not have to cook. I had been really sleepy tonight after staying up to take my husband to the church at 3 am. He was heading down to Mexico with the youth group to build a house for a family in need. Night blipland!

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