News on Chino's condition!!

Soccer fever runs into the critical figures now!! Kickoff in less than 20 hours!! Woohoo!! Go Bafana!! Thumbs up for you!! We know Mexico is not a pushover, but hey, guys, this is THE most important game you have ever played!! God bless!!

Hope you're all watching the BIG Concert in Orlando Stadium tonight! It is broadcasted on the soccer channels worldwide!!

I kind of liked the position of this flag most of all dem flags I saw 2day!! ;-)

Chino had her first op this morning, next one will be 6 weeks from now!
Surgeon cleaned the joint, placed it properly, shortened the tendons to keep it in place, she was in theatre for almost an hour! She is, unfortunately, sleeping over tonight, but we realise that it is best that way!

She will have to be kept very quiet for four weeks, Milo will have to be calm, so as to give Chino time to recover properly!

He did the one that dislocates so acutely now first, the other one obviously happened when she was very small and she learnt to compensate for it, it is the more serious one, but seeing that the 'new' problem is só painful, he did that side first! He also says that she will need a somewhat strong little leg to support the operated one now, when she starts therapy to walk again! So, the 'older' problem will be operated on in 6 week's time!!

It is apparently a birth defect, very often found in thorough bred Chihuahuas.

Thank goodness, we were referred to one of the best Vet Orthopaedic surgeons avalable, it is the one ~beautifulblue recommended as well! What lovely people, the Receptionist an the doctor immediately knew who we were talking about when we mentioned her name, and then they told us it was a Whippet with very badly broken legs, about 10 years ago!! They send their love CA!!!

Poor little darling! She will be 'out of action' for almost 12 weeks!! .... and won't be able to run and play on her first birthday next Tuesday!!

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