Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Dorrit and Her Family

Spending the evening with another blipper and her family and being treated like family is an awesome privilege.

This evening we were with Dorrit and her husband, orygon home boy, and lots of their family members. The two of them were here visiting their family and attending the Special Olympics in Long Beach this weekend.

When I discovered the email late this afternoon from Dorrit inviting us to join them this evening, I phoned her. This led to the two of us, Mr. Fun & Rosie, having a fun evening and a delicious dinner.

We left our community at 5:00 p.m. headed west on the 91 Freeway and within 60 minutes we were knocking on the door of a house we'd never been to before and invited into a home filled with folks we'd never met before.

The evening was nothing less than delightful. I wish I had a kazillion more photos to choose from, but I don't. However, I love this photo of Dorrit, her son-in-law Nick, and her hubby. Even though Rachel, the star of the weekend, was not present because she had stayed with her team members at the dorms at Cal State University Long Beach for an evening of celebrating, we got to watch videos of today's swim meet and Rachel winning medals at the Special Olympic!

Earlier in the day we weren't thinking about an evening near Los Angeles and the pleasure of meeting a family of wonderful people. This day was almost over when the opportunity to take a detour came our way. It was the best detour we've taken in a long time. Thank YOU Dorrit and thank you Rachel -- because of you, Rachel, we now feel like part of your fabulous family! And who knows, we may just make it to the "family reunion" later this summer in Florence, Oregon!

I am absolutely convinced that Blipfoto is the very best community on all of the Internet. Thank you everyone!

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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