Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Meadows Festival

I've lived in Edinburgh 8 years now and never once been to the Meadows Festival so today I did. Browsed the stalls, met up with friends, ate the fabulous chocolate tree cake of dairyfree joy, listened to bands and enjoyed the sunshine. As always happens when the hippies get together, face paints were brought out. I realised for the first time today why kid's face painters always have a book of pictures. As B prepared to paint tiger markings she realised she wasn't all that sure of a tiger's facial markings and asked if anhyone had a picture (because we always carry random animal pictures with us). Despite the lack of a picture, it still came out quite well.

I left around 4pm as the sun was finally getting too much for me. By 6pm there was a torrential downpour (and sat in the study the faint drip of water completely missing the bucket in the loft began to annoy me).

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