Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


It's been a bit of a slow week for me. I've not really had the motivation to do anything. I did however decided to do the final set up of Milo's viv, only to remember that I sent my dad's drill back with him and my flatmate's that I'd borrowed has the battery life of about two rotations of the drill bit. After a trip to B&Q and realising that their drills are overpriced and under-specificationed, I turned to screwfix to order a drill. I've also ordered an electric screwdriver and a box of drill bit paraphenalia. Unfortunately they won't arrive until Monday.

In the meantime Milo got fed. I know there were a lot of you don't appreciate the shots of Milo being fed so even though I'd got some amazing head shots I've refrained from posting them (will get them on flickr eventually) and instead have posted this section of his patterning instead. I am quite honestly amazed by Milo, I've never had a pet before that you can watch grow. Cats, rabbits, even gerbils, they all grow slowly and so their change in size creeps up on you. I've had Milo a couple of months now and he's already a good few inches longer and a good deal bigger, he'd barely fit now in to the roomy little box he was brought home in.

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