Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

500 blips!

Well this blip was pushing it fine. As I mentioned yesterday 500 snuck up on me so I had nothing planned. The Boy likes to doodle so I asked him to doodle me a 500. Unfortunately he doesn't get home from work until 11:30pm. Today though, he was late, 11:40pm and still no sign. I start frantically searching the house for something I could use. 11:45pm, the door goes, just in time for me to get a shot. It's being posted up late because by then I was ready for my bed.

As always a huge thank you to Joe and all at Blipcentral, to my subscribers for reading my many waffling posts and looking at those occassional poor last minute blips, to everyone else for giving me something interesting to look at and read in the quiet moments of my life. And also to my mother. If it wasn't for her competitiveness and drive when it comes to blip I think I'd be inclined to slack off and miss blips occassionally but I started blip first and I must keep ahead of her so I continue to blip. And anyhow, now I've reached 500 I guess I have no choice but to go for 1000.

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