Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


Firstly a huge thank you to everyone who took the time to look at and comment on my 500th blip yesterday. It was greatly appreciated and whilst I am trying to get round everyone and thank you all individually, I know I've still some to go.

We got a fun delivery this week (and I'm not even talking about my dairy free fudge, though that is amazing). The first half of the delivery was something that I shall blip and talk about when we next get a sunny day. The second part of the delivery was 4 mandles.

"Mandles? What are they?" I hear you ask. Well this is what the website has to say: "Even the most metrosexual of men don't go a bundle on scented candles. Too poncy. Enter Mandles - candles for men. Designed to satisfy all but the most ridiculous heathens, these delightful scented candles are encased in ingeniously recycled beer bottles. Cheers!" Basically they're girly scented candles made macho by putting them in to empty beer bottles.

I could have blipped the 4 together but then I thought better of it, why waste three extra blips by doing them all at once. So today you get the Carlsberg mandle and to steal their advertising slogon... If carlsberg did scented candles they'd probably be the best in the world.

In other news:

Whilst we're on the subject of men... As I headed out, laden down with empty boxes for my old flatmate who is moving out, a young gentleman stopped me and asked me if I was going far and whether I'd like him to carry them for me. As I was only going to the bus stop I declined his offer but thanked him very much. In retrospect I probably should have accepted and let him go off thinking he'd done his good deed for the day by helping a damsel in distress (not that I think I'd ever be classed as a damsel, nor was I in distress).

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