Club 107

By club107

A school

Frustrating start to day with a trip to one of the many Arnold Clark's in Edinburgh, actually I went to all three in the Seafield area. So looks like the repair that was promised to be done several weeks ago before we got the car will wait til after the hols.

Work no bad 7/10, hey what is with this scoring system, under what circumstances do you give a 10/10 score? I'll ponder and get back on that one, for the time being 7 sums it cup, csat would be poor.

So I got some chalk or 'yard chalk' as they call it, for the girls and this was, I guess, some recognition for nice school reports. Both the #1 worry box contributor and the teacher's PA/school #1 care room visitor (bumped her head/scratched her elbow/had a sore ankle/had a minor dusting of dirt on her hair, oh the reasons we got were quite something) had splendid reports and deserve more than several bits of chalk. They'll get cloths to clean up the mess later this week.

The picture is only part of the oeuvre d'art they came up with, it is a school with bell and office.

Now I'm off to do the weekly shopping.


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