Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

Nothing beats a good cup of tea

Especially first thing on a Monday morning.

No Monday Morning Blues for us though, oh no, we're off to Center Parcs today. Of course we should have left hours ago but what with one thing (work emergency) and another (flat tyre on the car) we're still at home. It is giving me plenty of time to add extra things to the pile of stuff to be shoe horned into the car though. By the time we get around to leaving I should have the kitchen sink packed and everything.

It seems funny to think that just seven years ago, my sister and I travelled for three weeks in Indonesia with just one day sack between us. Now I practically need a trailer to go away for seven nights, and all because we now have a small person who weighs less than our very small dog in tow...


No idea whether I'll manage to blip over the next few days. I am going to try the new 'blip via email' from my iPhone, so fingers crossed.

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