Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Gift from the Northwest

Last evening I arrived home to find a large, large package. Oh what fun!

Tookie had told me she was sending us something. So I began unpacking and unpacking. Inside the large outer box was lots of padding and the word fragile stamped numerous times.

Then I lifted out the inner box that contained this enormously thoughtful gift and note. So my heart jumped to my throat and tears sprang from my eyes. I tried to read the note to Mr. Fun (who was cooking our dinner). I finally just took the note over to him so he could read it. I think I managed to capture it here, clear enough that you can read it.

Most of the blippers who read my page know that our precious Bob dog took his last breath on June 3rd. His going has left an extremely painful absence in our lives. Bob dog was with us 14 1/2 years. I miss the sound of his breathing; I miss the sound of his eating; I miss the sound of his little paws trotting around upstairs in the early evening looking for his chew bone as Mr. Fun & I sat downstairs watching the evening news. I miss touching his soft fur. I miss everything about him.

We've been comforted again and again by the gracious words of this Blipfoto community. And now this lovely gift. Thank YOU Tookie & Big R! We love you guys! and we find great joy in viewing your photos of "Cowboy" and his girl "Sadie"!

An extra little joy was that the inside box that contained the gift -- was a box that Tookie had received from "The Big Fat Soap Company"! How cool is that. Deb, the soapmaker, has been my friend long before she and I were blippers. So Tookie, you blessed me doubly. THANK YOU, thank YOU, thank you!

What I have discovered and delighted in, here in Blipfoto, is wonderful people doing common things uncommonly well. Thank you again Tookie and everyone who has encouraged us along the way.
= = = = = = = = = = = =

This is Day 6 of my 7 days in the Writing Center this summer. Tomorrow when I stroll out of here I won't be reporting back to work until the very end of August. The fall semester begins on Monday, August 30. Tomorrow I won't be staying in the WC until 5:30. I've arranged for a colleague to sub for me starting at 1:30 so that Mr. Fun & I can go to Ontario International Airport (California) to meet Desiree and Tristan. My eyes fill with tears just typing that thought. I can hardly wait. They've been gone to Oklahoma since last July. They will be here till Tuesday, July 20th. We all leave for family camp this coming Sunday afternoon. What fun this will be.

That's it for this Wednesday, from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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