
By schlimm

Rabbit or Hare?

Can anyone help? I'm not sure.

This one was really tame and if I had seen it that close in the wild on the continent I'd have thought 'Caution, rabies' but since that still hasn't reached Britain this one just seems to have been a very tame little rabbit/hare.

My cousin arrived late last night and we went for a walk with the girls this afternoon. The initial plan was to go to the pond and then up Blackford Hill. The sun was shining and off we went (with rainjackets for just in case). Well, we got to our first stop (dropping off flowers for J whose mum isn't well at all) and just after we'd handed over the flowers it started raining. We'd politely declined the invitation to come in before the rain (thinking foolishly that the rain would just be over in minutes as previously and that it would be blown away by the wind). Well we sought shelter under a flimsy tree and then the heaven's opened and we stood under what could only be described a shower with lots more pressure than ever achieved in these climes. We got drenched! With summer trousers clinging to my legs "like a randy showercurtain" we finally accepted the second call to come into the house by J and when asked if I wanted to have my trousers dried I did not hesitate twice and literally dropped them on the kitchen floor. Twenty minutes later, wrapped in a towel and a hot tea later we made it to the pond to observe this animal, have the girls argue over the swing and then went home ready for the second invasion of visitors (my sister, brother-in-law and niece). Blackford Hill will have to wait for another day when it's not raining or I'm wearing shorts (because legs dry so much quicker than trousers).

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